God’s purpose for Rejoice is:
“To be Love in the World.”

Welcome to Rejoice!

We invite you to come worship with us.

Join us in person on:

Sundays at 10:30am at 7855 Stow Road in Hudson!  

Not comfortable with in person worship? No problem! Join us online as our service is streamed live on Facebook at 10:30am on Sundays. Just “like” our Facebook page at “Rejoice Lutheran Church”

Quilts 2021
Blessing of the Quilts for Lutheran World Relief

How we Impact our Community


What’s Unique About Rejoice

Fall Women's Retreat

Oct 11 - 13, 2024

                       Pentecost Sunday

                           May 19, 2024

Easter 2024

Christ is Risen! Risen Indeed!

Rejoice Chili Cook Off Feb 2024

Chili Cookoff Feb 2024
Chili Cookoff Feb 2024
The Chili Cookoff Trophy goes to Francine!

Christmas Eve 2023

Fellowship Dinner at Tulum Restaurant in Twinsburg,

Nov. 11, 2023